about dandy

Dandy Bread and Candy is a collection of relative nonsense and pretty little things, it also happens to be the blog of a company called FaroucheHere you will find seemingly endless eye candy, updates on our current projects and the random wonderment that we find amusing.


Hello, my name is Christy Farouche. I am the main author of Dandy Bread and Candy and also the owner of a little company in Northern California called Farouche. As you will see, I may not be much of a writer but, I adore vintage eye candy to such an extent that I had to start sharing my visual affair with others before I burst at the seams. Beyond my own regular posts, there are from time to time some wonderful posts created by my colleagues and friends. These are truly talented people who are passionate about their craft, whether it be cooking, gardening, photography or beer making. Despite my own tomfoolery you should seek out their posts since they really are little gems waiting to be discovered.

Glenn Douglass has been hiking and climbing every mountain he has come across for the past several years. Along the way he has captured spectacular photos from California to New Zealand. You can find his weekly column here called Chasing the Sun, or for more of his breath taking photography visit his site.

 *If you have actually read this far, I am not quite sure if we should congratulate you, or remind you that your boss probably tracks your internet use to hunt out procrastination. So if by chance you have gotten caught by ol' mister boss man, write us and we can forge a fake work note to help prove that you were really here to find important company data and market research. Oh, and when in trouble... it sometimes helps if you tell your boss you like his tie... cornflower blue is such a pretty color.

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