I just found doe-c-doe via flickr and the doe-c-doe blog. I had to share these whimsical images with you. I love the way she combines toy figurines with paint by number back drops. It is interesting how items that are trying to resemble real life still feel very quaint and nostalgic when put together. I can almost smell the grassy hillside the ewe is grazing in. Oh, wait... it's plastic and paint, that's right. Doe-c-doe also has an online shop, give it a peek if you get the chance.
We are lucky that we live within walking distance of the beach. I must admit over time it is easy to take for granted. Today's post was inspired by all of the day trippers I saw this weekend. Cute couples and families dressed in bright summer clothing. Parents wanting to give their children happy summer memories.
I get a kick out of how some people prepare for a day at the beach. There are the under prepared ones who forget sunblock and a sweater. Then there are the over prepared who are ready for anything that comes their way. I am sure you have either seen the type or are related to one. The families that come equipped with 2 ice chests, umbrellas, radio, sandcastle tools, 3 types of sunblock, inflatable toys and more chairs than people. Often the father of these families seems all to used to the drill and somehow carries the lot like a pack horse.
To say I like home grown tomatoes might be an understatement. They are top of the heap on the list of the five foods I would choose to be stuck on a desert island with for the rest of my life. In the summer I can be completely content with a sandwich made of thick slices of tomato, black paper, a little slice of cheddar and mayo on sourdough bread. For me, it doesn't get much better than that!
If you have yet to try growing your own produce why not give it a go this summer. A victory garden can feed more than a household if you have the space. Even if you don't have land try growing what you can on a balcony, deck or kitchen window. The flavor of home grown produce is worth the effort and you can share the extra bounty with your friends and neighbors.
These adding machines make me feel like wearing a pencil skirt, cardigan and pumps all while trying to find an Automat to eat lunch at. Oh, and of coarse I would have a smart little jacket on with a satin lining in some wild color that perfectly matched the skirt. Ah, to be an office girl in the late 50's. Have you ever noticed how neat office supplies used to look? The best manufactures have done lately is make the red stapler and that glory is owed to the movie Office Space.
There are a dozen bad puns about numbers in my head but, I will save you the pain. Instead I will leave you with a bad number joke I remember from elementary... 'Why was six afraid of seven? Because seven ate/eight nine!'
"I'll show 'em. Someday my name is gonna be in bright lights on the marquee."
Okay fame hounds, you can stop holding your breath for the chance to see your name in lights. Now you can do it yourself with these marquee letters from Urban Outfitters. I can think of a zillion words I would like to spell out. However, if I had to pick just one word it would be a simple...
Butterscotch Bakelite is like a little art deco sunshine. Considering that these pieces have been around since the 1930's I wonder what they have been witness to. Maybe one was the dress clip of a mob bosses' dame or the broach on a fun-time-girl's shoulder at a speakeasy.
The good people over at Yee Haw Industries created this letterpress poster for Jack Daniels Whiskey. When it comes to letterpress they really know their onions. They have more goods than you could shake a stick at!
If you are a fan of old No. 7 or just want to find some new music to enjoy try The Devil Makes Three. They even have a song about the Tennessee whiskey and drinkin' in heaven. Happy Friday everyone!
Take a cue from Betty. For my money a little modesty is far hotter than showing more square footage of skin than a meat market. Ladies don't forget the power of intrigue. These maillot swimsuits will bring out your inner pinup. They are classic, smoldering and simply beautiful.
So, maybe your big toe pokes out of your socks or you have to heal a broken heart. Sometimes the only thing to do is make do and mend. These giclees are currently available in three colors, mint green, dove gray and a blush pink at Farouche. We are thinking of adding one in buttery yellow and possibly a vintage blue.
This is my ideal Sunday afternoon. We played dominoes in the yard, sipped a little vino and dined on awesome food with a good friend. Zac, shown above in yellow, was our chef for the evening. He made an elk stew with carrots, potatoes and leeks. It was so buttery and rich... every bite was heaven.
A collection even Black Beard would be pleased with! I am sure the cute blossom earrings are for the mermaid- if the bait works. That is unless ol' Black Beard has recently taken up cross dressing. The lovely watercolor illustrations are from Geninne. She has an amazing collection of work.
If you are in need of mermaid bait, sea sickness pills or a host of other pirate necessities check out 826 Valencia. To help you keep track of how long you have been at sea, try the globe calendar available at Bouquet.
*For anyone who noticed the miss quote in the title... Congratulations, you are deemed an honorary lit. major smarty pants. For those of you who realized I was quoting Willy Wonka... Hurray, you are a movie junkie and I love you.