A collection even Black Beard would be pleased with! I am sure the cute blossom earrings are for the mermaid- if the bait works. That is unless ol' Black Beard has recently taken up cross dressing. The lovely watercolor illustrations are from Geninne. She has an amazing collection of work.
If you are in need of mermaid bait, sea sickness pills or a host of other pirate necessities check out 826 Valencia. To help you keep track of how long you have been at sea, try the globe calendar available at Bouquet.
*For anyone who noticed the miss quote in the title... Congratulations, you are deemed an honorary lit. major smarty pants. For those of you who realized I was quoting Willy Wonka... Hurray, you are a movie junkie and I love you.
Thank you so much for including my work in htis wonderful collection! Now I'm off to visit those links! I LOVE that globe calendar!
This is great!
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