Just in time for all of your seasonal baking we are giving away two sets of personalized holiday baking tags from Farouche. Each set includes thirty tags in ten different designs. This year you can delight your friends and family with a bundle of delicious goodies topped off with an equally festive personalized tag.
To enter all you have to do is post a comment about your favorite holiday memory. The contest ends Sunday December 6th. We will announce the two winners on Monday December 7th, so please check back to see if you have won. Happy Holidays everyone!
To enter all you have to do is post a comment about your favorite holiday memory. The contest ends Sunday December 6th. We will announce the two winners on Monday December 7th, so please check back to see if you have won. Happy Holidays everyone!
What a treat! My favorite holiday memory - the year that my cousins and I all figured out that our Uncle Jim had been FOR YEARS pulling each of us into the sunroom and giving us $20, telling each of us that we were his favorite niece or nephew. After that, it was mutiny!
My sister-in-law holding hands with my daughter (7years old) singing The 12 days of Christmas. She gave my daughter a jigsaw puzzle of the 12 days of Christmas. Since then (14 years ago) we have decorated the house in the 12 days of Christmas. Each year we add another set of ornaments, plates or decorations.
My favorite memory is baking Christmas cookies, same recipe every year!
Oh, these are darling memories. Thank you for sharing!
My favourite memories are taking the Christmas saw, (that's it's name), and heading out with my son and two dogs to find the perfect Charlie Brown tree on the power line right of way. Every year it's a joy to find it and to bring it home and turn it into a delightful centrepiece of our family love.
Some wonderful traditions going on here! My favorite memory at the moment is the Christmas my DH and I celebrated in NC with my parents on Christmas morn and flew to Detroit to his Mom's. It started snowing the minute we stepped off the plane. And kept snowing! I didn't have to drive and got to play in the snow with my SIL!
my favorite holiday memory is of my puppy trying to open up his xmas presents on his own every xmas morning!
I am the yougest of 5 and one year my 3 older siblings in college came home and surprised us for Christmas.
My favorite holiday memory is staying up late to go to midnight mass and then afterwards taking a walk with my dad around the lake, looking at stars, watching for Santa, and eating peanut brittle he just happened to have in his pocket.
My favorite holiday memory is baking thousands of christmas cookies with my mom, then wrappying them up and delivering them to the neighbors!
My favorite holiday memory is waking up as a kid to find that my dad had left the sprinklers on all night so that the back yard froze like a winter wonderland. It was gorgeous! (I am from Florida, so ice and snow was a totally foreign concept as a kid!)
Those are lovely! My favorite holiday memory is still cookie-baking night. My mom makes these frosted sugar cookies every year. A few weeks before Christmas she would mkae the dough and we'd spend all evening cutting out Christmas shapes and baking cookies, and then laying htem out on towels on every surface in the kitchen (including the floor) to cool. Then we would cover the whole kitchen table with cookies and start frosting. So much fun.
My first Christmas with snow.
The year my parents got divorced, that first Christmas was different and difficult for my mom, sister, and I. So after everyone left the house on Christmas evening, the three of us gathered together our favorite snacks, leftovers, and cookies (sour cream&onion chips! stuffed shells! coconut cookies!), snuggled up under one huge blanket on the couch, and proceeded to watch holidy movies into the early morning. We continued to "hibernate" the next day, munching on our favorite goodies and watching movies together, laughing and smiling, all day long. This began a new holiday tradition for our re-defined family.
What a marvelous idea!! My favorite holiday memory is making home-made christmas cookies from scratch for santa, with my mother. I have an adorable plate and mug for cookies and milk to set out for santa which I received at age seven. I'm now twenty years old, but I still make those cookies and set them out for "Santa"...aka DAD
-Andrea Paul
Wow, so many great stories. I could definitely go for a coconut cookie right about now!
favorite holiday memory...getting up super early in the morning and watching christmas movies on tv with my brother and sister til our parents woke up.
My favorite memory is happening every day and will hopefully continue until Christmas! My daughter has begun to sing Christmas carols and if a 2yr old singing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" doesn't make for lasting memories I don't know what will.
-Paulette Armstrong
My favorite memory is the year we didn't have money to give gifts for the entire extended family. We all gave the gift of ourselves. I played Christmas songs on the violin, my sister played the piano. We had the best time.
AM Gilstrap
I woke up really early on the last sunday of the fall semester my sophomore year and surprised my roommates with 'early christmas' -cinnamon buns and little presents in everyone's stockings. It was fun to celebrate the holiday together since we were all going separate ways (hundreds of miles) home for the real holiday break.
My favorite holiday memory is putting up the Christmas Tree when I was little (and now). My Mom always let us pick out one ornament for the tree every year and all of us had different themes to the ornaments. It was so special.
My favorite Christmas memory is waking up Christmas morning and sneaking out of my bedroom with my older sister to peek through the stair banisters to see if Santa had been along for a visit. I can still feel the anticipation to this day and love to see the same joy on my children's faces. Pure happiness.
Every Christmas Eve my father's family gathered for festivities and food. Santa would come and deliver presents, too!
Christmas breakfast every year.... no doubt, my favorite (and ongoing) memory!
Man, that's a toughie!
Here's one: watching an old VHS tape of Peter, Paul, and Mary's Christmas that we taped off of PBS in the 80's while decorating the tree. We still do it.
Baking and decorating gingerbread men and women with my Mom and brother!
every christmas eve at my grandparents house. the homemade secret family recipe egg nog in particular.
My favorite Christmas memory is when my mom would hook up our pony, Ben, to the sleigh and pile the kids in and go through the McDonald's drive-through for hot chocolates. We prayed every year that there would be enough snow to do it! Everyone always got a big kick out of it.
My favorite Christmas memory is from childhood when my mom would read my sisters and I "Polar Express", we drank hot chocolate while she read, and opened a present that was our first gift of Christmas which was always an ornament.
My favorite holiday memory
is probably baking cookies with my dad an little sister when I was a kid. It was so much fun getting to decorate them all and eat them later with a big glass of milk. Yum!
I am getting more and more in the holiday spirit as I read these. I think all of the wonderful traditions that are unique to your life makes the holidays that much more special.
The baking tags are just beautiful! Favorite holiday memory: When I was seven or so, I hid under the dining room table beneath the tablecloth...determined to stay up until I spied Santa come down the chimney. Alas, I fell asleep and didn't wake up until morning after "Santa" had come and gone. - Amy Bauer
My best holiday memory was when I was about 7 years old. My sister came home from a date and told me she just heard reindeers on the roof. We walking into the living room and there in the middle of the room was a new kitchen set for me. I ran into my mom and dad room and we got to have Christmas right then. It was probably 1:00am - we open presents and then everyone went back to be. It was very magical.
My favorite memory, and the thing I now miss the most, was putting the angel on top of my grandparents' tree. We used to take turns, one grandchild was chosen each year to do it. And I loved it when it was my turn! We'd decorate the whole tree and the angel always went last. Either my dad or uncle would lift the lucky kid up so they could reach, and we'd all watch as the angel was placed and the tree was lit. This is our first Christmas without my grandparents, but I will never forget the memories I had with them.
I think it may be unrealistic to select one holiday memory as a favorite, but surely one that ranks right up there was a family cruise several years ago to Jamaica! It may not traditional, but it was my entire family, together, captive with no distractions. Truly wonderful.
One favorite: Walking with my husband to the late mass on Christmas Eve as snow fell around us. It was the magical time when everything is silent and radiating peace. I can only hope to have that experience again!
Since I live in Canada and my three nephews are in KC/KS, we usually celebrate Christmas a bit early due to travel costs & scheduling... EVERY year for the last three years or so, when I arrive at the airport, all three of my nephews await my arrival as close to the gate as airport security permits. I can never get over the sheer exhilaration in their faces when they first spot me. It's as if they are seeing me for the first time! This year, (and they are 2 1/2, almost 5 and almost 7) they almost knocked me over as they were fighting to get to hug me first.
My favorite Christmas memory is making No Bake Cookies with my dad and sister for Santa Claus. We made these cookies every year until I moved out of the house. Even now, my new husband and I visit on Christmas Eve and Dad is making those cookies. My sister and I still crowd around to eat up the cookie drippings!
So glad I came across your site - love your Etsy shop!
My favorite memory is my son's first Christmas morning. He was nine months old and in total awe of everything - the lights, the gifts, the shiny paper...
how perfect! My favorite Christmas memory (among many) is making Swedish rice pudding in honor/memory of my Swedish grandma. We hide one almond in the pudding--whoever finds it in their bowl will have good luck for the upcoming year.
My favorite holiday memory is waking up early to the smell of apple dumplings baking in our home. My sister and I would then sneak down and peak at the presents before jumping on our parents in bed (who were already awake, but waiting for us to come).
I just found you today - how freaking gorgeus are you???
My favorite holiday memory is the year I found out there was no santa claus (what?!?! you may say . . ) as it was when I figured out that my parents were doing all of the work and disguising their handwriting (leaving the best gifts to come from Santa), just to let me live through that magic.
I know it sounds odd, but even at 7, it made me feel special
Oh, StinaRie you make me blush!
I am loving everyone's stories- it is going to be so difficult to make a decision come Saturday!
My favorite holiday memory was the Christmas my child was old enough to participate in decorating the tree.
i always loved going to midnight mass with my grandparents as a child and coming home and opening one gift before i went to bed
My favorite memory is baking Christmas cookies,cakes and donuts avery year!
When my little brother and I made a plate of cookies for Santa and his reindeer. Now he's old and boring, but he was the sweetest little boy ever.
my favorite memory is when my gma used to have tree decorating parties and everyone would come over to decorate the huge tree! This is awesome! Thank you for the chance to win!
chantellesabino at live dot com
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