Bring more spirit to your holidays and let your creativity shine. This year make gifts for your family and friends. In honor of all of you crafty types that see this as a chance to warm someone's heart one stitch or scissor trim at a time, we are giving away two sets of personalized craft tags from Farouche.
Each set includes thirty tags in ten different designs. So warm up your knitting needles, and get that stack of fabric you have been saving for a special occasion off the shelf. It is time to show others how much you care about them with a handmade present.
To enter all you have to do is post a comment about what is the best handmade gift you have either given or received. The contest ends Sunday December 13th. We will announce the two winners on Monday December 14th, so please check back to see if you have won. Happy Holidays everyone!
My favorite handmade gift? My sister (who's a doctor) made me the CUTEST hand-knitted uterus.
I would say the best handmade gift i ever made was a journal/inspiration book that i hand wrote using excerpts from 5 different books. It took me weeks to finish but was made entirely for the recipient... It had questions, prompts, quotes and ideas. I loved it, it was hard sending it off!
Of course the best gift I ever got was my son.. My little miracle baby after heartbreak after heartbreak :o)
I adore the tags and would LOOOVE gifting these away!
Hi, my favourite handmade gift was a vest that my grandma knnited for me.Those tags look cool!
Love the tags! My best handmade gift? When I was 10 I caught pneumonia and Santa came to visit early...a box filled with hand knitted and hand sewn outfits for my "Penny" doll. Alas, I later learned that Mom, not Santa had made them.
I nannied for a while for a beautiful baby girl. Around Thanksgiving, the baby was about 15 months old, and she, her sister, and I made a family picture together. I painted both girls' hands, and we pressed their handprints onto a poster sized sheet of paper to make 4 turkeys. Then, I cut out pictures of each family member's face, and we glued them on to the turkeys' bodies, so that each family member was a turkey on the page. We decorated the picture so it would look like 4 turkeys grazing in a field, and we wrote "Happy Thanksgiving" at the top. The baby is now 29 months old, and her 5 year old sister always pulls out the Thanksgiving poster to make the baby feel better when she misses her mom and dad- she can look at the pictures, and it works every time :)
The best handmade gift I ever gave was a scrapbook album I made for my inlaws. They loved it.
The best gifts I ever made for my boys are superhero capes. They help to unlock imaginations.
Thanks for the chance,
My favorite gift I have ever made was a doll with full wardrobe I knit for my sister when I was 13. I don't think I've ever been so proud of my own work and she swears it's still her favorite too!
These tags are beautiful! The best hand-made gift I received was a quilt made out of pieces of my childhood (clothes, blankets, doll clothes).
Once I received this beautifully handmade name-plate that I can hang on my bedroom door!
reach me: mellskuza(at)yahoo(dot)com
I made a beautiful poncho for my neice, and she LOVED it!
great giveaway, I adore the tags! so pretty!
my best friend who was studying abroad wanted to give me a hug when i was going through my unhappiest moments in life. she drew a 1:1 human figure on a large piece of paper and send it to me by mail.. that's the best handmade gift i've ever received.
Fun tags! I made my niece and nephew sock monkeys last Christmas - and not to toot my own horn - they were awesome. My niece's is a ballerina monkey and my nephew's is a pirate monkey.
The best handmade gift I ever received was a set of dish towels with beautiful embroidery - they were given to me by a local minister when my husband and I moved into our first home. Very special and very kind.
You are definitely a crafty bunch! We are going to have a tough decision to make come Sunday!
my favorite handmade gift was the mix tapes my best friend always made me. when people actually had to listen to the radio and push record and stop and occasionally i could hear the beginning of a commercial that just reinforced the idea of her sitting there for me.
The best handmade gift I ever received was a wedding album from my best friend. She'd taken all these pictures on the sly, added a little story/narrative, and presented it to me at my reception. I think it was the most thoughtful gift I've ever received, and it was sneaky, too. I keep it in my wedding trunk.
The best handmade gift I've given (in my opinion) has to be a handmade book of poetry I wrote for a special someone. I put a lot of thought into the poems (10!) and the art (collected from places we'd been together, meaningful images, etc). It was definitely the most personal gift I've ever given.
The best handmade gift I ever got was a big box of homemade fudge. Yummy!
My son and I gave my Mom a Christmas Wreath made out of Toilet Paper Rolls. It turned out really nice. This year, my Sisters are getting one too!!!
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