It's giveaway time again! Are you ready for this month's giveaway from Farouche! We are pleased to be giving away a "Follow Your Heart" print in the medium size to two lucky winners!
For your chance to win you must either be a follower of this blog -or- a fan of our Facebook page. To enter please leave us a comment below about your favorite Halloween costume. It could be a costume you wore or maybe even one you made for your child or grandchild. My favorite costume growing up was being half of a two-man horse. My best friend and I trotted down the lane with a feedbag full of sugary treats.
Contest ends Sunday, October 31st. The winner will be announced Monday, November 1st so make sure and check back to see if you have won!
For your chance to win you must either be a follower of this blog -or- a fan of our Facebook page. To enter please leave us a comment below about your favorite Halloween costume. It could be a costume you wore or maybe even one you made for your child or grandchild. My favorite costume growing up was being half of a two-man horse. My best friend and I trotted down the lane with a feedbag full of sugary treats.
Contest ends Sunday, October 31st. The winner will be announced Monday, November 1st so make sure and check back to see if you have won!
I'm a blog follower AND a fan on Facebook. My favorite costume is a picture I saw today of R2D2 and Princess Leia. So cute!
i'm also a follower & facebook fan.
My fav was when I was little & dressed up in my mums beautiful gown & a tiara & went as Cinderella. I really felt like a princess.
i gfc follow. my favorite costume is a pirate. i know it's cheesy, but i love pirate speak and the stripes!
divertida at fastmail dot fm
I'm a fan of your Facebook page - my FB name is Amanda Moore!
My favorite Halloween costume was when I was a gypsy several years ago!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I fanned your facebook page, and would love to win your beautiful print!
Shayna (at) Steelpetalpress (dot) com
Fan on facebook! My favorite was the year my husband and I went to a costume party as Jim and Tammy Fay Baker, complete with handcuffs and ball and chain.
following your blog! My all time favorite costume was one my mom made for me in 1rst grade. It was a all handmade Rainbow Brite Costume. It was complete with stuffed puffy sleeves! It was fantastic. I still have it for my daughter to wear!! Probably next year!! Love it! xoxo
Like on facebook! (Rae Snyder)
My favorite costume is a chia pet costume for dogs!
(here's a link: http://theflirtyguide.blogspot.com/2009/10/chia-pet-kitai-custom-halloween-dog.html)
I follow on fb as michele wall malone. my favorite halloween costume would have to be the one we made for my son last year. we moved just before halloween, and were so busy that we never put anything together. we asked him about mid day, what do you want to be? he replied Mario! we were able to throw together a costume of overalls, a red shirt, and a fake mustache rather quickly, and it was a huge hit.
I follow via GFC, and my favorite was my R2D2 costume when I was a kid. Thanks!
I follow your blog and am also a FB fan.
My favorite Halloween costume was a cardboard box my father spray painted into a new and different costume year after year when I was in elementary school. One year it was a Hershey bar, the next a pop machine, and finally a robot (complete with Christmas lights that lit up, lol). I was (am) such a dork.
megancrose at gmail dot com
I'm a blog follower AND a FB fan... and Pippi! I loved being Pippi Longstocking.
spanglyshrie {at} gmail dot com
I made my son a Max costume from "Where the Wild Things Are" and my husband dressed up as one of the monsters, it was so cute! I am a blog follower!
When I was 10 I went trick or treating as a bagel. Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a follower!
I follow dandy bread and candy blog via Google Friend Connect.
I'd love to dress up as the Panda from the 'Never Say No To Panda' tv commercials on youtube. Haha classic!
Thank you. louise_gillies[at]hotmail dot com
already be a fan on FB
name:Wulan Sari P
i've helped my 5yo niece to dress herself,she want to be a princess. i do not want to spend lots of money,so I only use the accessories, makeup,apparel,n costume jewelry that i had.the result:so pinky,and she really liked it >o<
wulanseries at gmail dot com
Im a fan on Facebook and followed this blog! :)
My Favourite costume would have to be the vampire costume, as I love Twilight so much!!! :D
This is great! One year when I was little and my parents were on a tight budget they made me and my brother Halloween costumes out of cardboard and poster paint. I was an adorable cuckoo clock and my brother got to be a 5 ft. "coke classic" can. We had so much fun!
Thanks for the giveaway! I am a blog follower!
I'm a follower on twitter :)
my handle is @kendallcrow
email: kendallcrowgirl(at)gmail(dot)com
My favorite halloween costume is this max costume from where the wild things are. i stumbled upon it on someones blog (forgot who) but isn't it cute?!
fave: my friend and I dressed as odie and garfield dressed as pirates
deannalw47 @ hotmail.com
I am a HUGE fan of halloween. My fave all time costume, as of today, has to be Mia Wallace. I looked just like Uma in Pulp Fiction.
My favorite halloween costume is dracula, or a vampire, because it can be both scary and feminine.
My wife and I dressed up as two officers from Super Troopers- "meow." We had a really great time- meow.
Following through GFC. My favorite costume was when I dressed as the leg lamp from the Christmas Story movie!
I follow your blog and FB page. My favorite costume was last year. I went out as confused. It was a beautiful hodge podge mix of superman, meets ballerina with a dab of rock star. So much fun.
I am a follower, and my favorite halloween costume would have to be when I was the mono lisa...frame and all!
Weird, I'm not seeing how to follow via GFC. But I follow via RSS!
My favorite costume was a butterfly. My mom made the best wings!
Thanks for the chance to win. My husband's graduating med school this year, and this would be the perfect gift!
I'm a fan on Facebook (Kate Ryan) and I haven't ever dressed up for Halloween (here in Australia we don't really celebrate it.) However, I did once dress up as a gypsy for a costume party and I had a lot of fun with that, even if I did jingle every time I walked.
Kate1485 at hotmail.com
I am a follower via Bloglovin' and a FB fan. My favorite costume was the clown my mom made and I ended up wearing it at least 5 years in a row I loved it so much.
smith.erin6 at gmail dot com
I follow you on facebook as Lubka Kotmanikova. my fav costume would be probably any pirate costume since we dont celebrate halloween here in central europe. thanks for great prize for this giveaway!
lubaska dot k at gmail dot com
I follow via GFC. :)
My favorite costume that I ever wore was last year's costume: quiiite geeky and fashioned out of a 2nd hand skirt, some sewing skills involving felt and ribbons a toy sword and a headband: I was a World of Warcraft NPC. And on the headband, with the help of some wire and a whole lot of tape, I glued a big yellow exclamation mark (just like the ones in the game)... It was fun!
so.kitsch at gmail dot com
I'm a fan of your facebook.
My favorite costume would have to be the time I dressed up as an old fashioned ''detective''. I had sunglasses, a leather trenchcoat, and a black hat on.l I felt so grown up!
luckyblue13 @ gmail . com
I'm a blog follower
My favorite costume as a child was a cat, my mother always drew on my face with the face paints, and dressed me up to go out.
follow your blog thru GFC and am a facebook fan too! My fave costumes have been Medusa (braided dollar store snakes into my hair) and a 'brain donor'!
I am a follower!
Tonight my daughter is going to fish in a fish bowl and her little brother is going to be a cat. I think they will look adorable together!
a have a cat costume and i like it)))) so i am going to wear it for this halloween))
gfc Elena Rabkina
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